Generator in std::ops - Rust

python’s yield is useful in fib

from itertools import islice

def fib():
    a = 0
    b = 1
    while True:
        a, b = b, a + b
        yield a

for i in islice(fib(), 10):


use std::iter::{from_fn, successors};
fn fib_sequence() -> impl Iterator<Item = u128> {
    let mut a = 0;
    let mut b = 1;

    from_fn(move || {
        [a, b] = [b, a + b];
fn fib_sequence1() -> impl Iterator<Item = u128> {
        Some((0, 1)), //
        |&(a, b)| Some((b, a + b)),
    .map(|(_, b)| b)
fn main() {
    fib_sequence().take(5).for_each(|x| println!("{x}"));
    fib_sequence1().take(5).for_each(|x| println!("{x}"));


from itertools import islice
from typing import Callable, Tuple

def successors(init: Tuple[int, int], n: Callable[[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]):
    yield init
    yield from successors(n(*init), n)

for _, i in islice(successors((0, 1), lambda x, y: (y, x + y)), 10):

but I haven’t figure how to get it from recursive function…

Rust Playground

may help,use struct + closure function to acted like outside。

in py,we make a iter,then yield。then add a function at its outside。

but in rust,we change the form of function。

sum => a + b

max => max(a, b)

prod => a * b

count => 1

^ the above content can be found from

the algebra of programming

foldl + op can get new op.

事实上, 考虑这样一个过程

ans = op::default()
for i in 可迭代对象:
    ans = op(ans, i)


op(op(op(op(op(ans, i1), i2), i3), i4), i5)